I need your mark Lord
Not only on my head
With dusty black soot

But I need your mark, Lord
On my heart
To remove the dusty, dirty parts
Of who I have become.

I need to fast Lord
From my own selfishness, sluggishness
Help me to break out of my lazy bag o’ bones.

And help me to give Lord…
Give of my time when I’d rather be sleeping
Give of my heart when I’d prefer selfishness
Give a bit of me to those who I often think
That they are not worthy of me, who I look down on
And pretend that they don’t exist.

Lord, it is good for me to pray.
But I know I don’t pray enough.
So help me to find time for you
As I do now in the typing in the morning
Is a gift to you and to myself
The gift of time spent with you instead of slumber.

You have marked my mind with dust, Lord
So that I may leave behind my dusty heart,
Sweep out the cobwebs of my soul,
And remember that You are near
Changing my heart
To beat for the world.

Mark Me, Lord…
With the dust of life.